Story Time & Creative Kids

Story Times 

(Starting May 6th through October)

Tuesday, Wednesday at 10:30 am and Saturdays at 10:30 am 

*Weather Permitting - Check our Facebook Page for updates!

Cost: Story Time is free to attend. Groups are welcome. 

One of our favorite events is Story Time in the Meadow.  It is open to all ages.  The stories are about all things outdoors and nature related.  From Flowers (of course!) to farm animals and other critters you might find in nature. Bring a picnic blanket to sit on while you listen.  

While you are here, say hello to our farm animals and even feed them a snack ($1/snack bags available)!  If you have extra time in your schedule, pick a bouquet of flowers for your home or to give away to someone special.  Flower picking begins at $20.  No admission fee is required at the farm.  For those with toddlers or babies a jogging stroller is suggested for juggling a baby, snips, water cup, etc.  

Creative Kid Days 

When: Thursdays at 10:30 AM (Last one Oct 24th)

Who: Kids - Preschool (with parent help) & Up

Cost: $10 per child (Snack and Juice included)

Where: The Flower Meadow 

27304 E 151st St S. Coweta, Ok 74429

Sign up via the Link Below (coming soon!)

NEW!! Thursdays at 10:30 AM under the new shade structures, we will be hosting Creative Kids Days!  We will have different activities each week for kids to get creative! Depending on their skill level, age, and interest they can get as creative as they want with the activity.  Parents are encouraged to assist with preschool-age and early elementary-age children. 

If you have extra time in your schedule, pick a bouquet of flowers for your home or to give away to someone special.  Flower picking begins at $20.  No admission fee is required at the farm.  For those with toddlers or babies a jogging stroller is suggested for juggling a baby, snips, water cup, etc.